My Shield Will I Lift Up!!

The past few days I have talked with so many people who appear to be waiting upon the Lord for a big answer to a long time prayer. Also, I have noticed that many of my friends and loved ones are experiencing vigorous spiritual attacks from the enemy of our souls. During those many conversations […]

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Roar All You Like; But God’s Banner Over Me Is: LOVE!!

The sloping ground shook under the Caledonians feet as they watched the Roman cohort’s lines begin to form up. The sound was relentless and horrifying and they realized in bewilderment what General Agricola was after: The granary. Pounding from leather-formed sandals now coalesced with a blast of horns that shot upward into the air careening […]

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Where Have You Been My Ancient Coin

        One of my hobbies is collecting coins.  I have a small assembly of ancient and U.S. coins that keep my attention.  I love to imagine where the coins have been, whose hands they have touched and what did they buy? The poem represented here is of my oldest coin from circa […]

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